I'm back! It is I, Lenny!
I noo that ye've missed me scritchins, boot I ave been quite da busy cat. No time for the scritchin on da bloggity ting.
In da year or soo since I last spook to ya, I ave been busy soortin tings oot around ere. After all, tings do no get soorted out by their own selves. They need a strong paw ta keep dem in line and get tings arranged to mah likens. Boot dis nay happens overnight! It takes a loot of planning and manipulatin and such. Soo I ave been ard at work makin sure dat everyting is to mah liken.
Boot now dat everytin is in order, I can take a wee minute an share somma mah deepest taughts wit ye.
Fairst of all, I ave groon quite a bit. As dis pictchur will attest:
Squiggy has groon to, he has poot on a toon o' weight. Soo mooch so dat Imma tinkin dat soon he will ave his oon climate!
** Is me, Squiggy. Lennys is given to exagerr….ecksagg.....axergaa….Lennys stretches the truths. I am simply growns into my full sizes. Is truths that I am somewhats beeger than leetle Lennys, but if I knews what a climate is, I is pretty sures that I do not haves one.
OCH! Shut oop, ye grit bi-colored booby! I wasna talkin to ye! If I wanted yer opinion, I'd be smackin it outta yer haid!
Here is a pictchur to be provin mah point!
Lookit da grit big ting! Just his paws coold take oot a wee village! I swear ye can hear him a walkin froom three counties away! When 'e gits in the doodle box, it sounds like 'e is buildin a dam! Imma always afeared dat soomday imma gonna find dat 'e has created Loch Doodle Box in da utility room.
Anyhoo, imma no here to be castin the aspersions.
If dere is one ting I ave learnt in da last year, it is always to be takin da "high road". It even says to do so in one of me favorite songs:
"O' I'll take da high road, and ye take da low road.
And I'll get ta smackin before ye!"
My male biggun is always a-sayin "dat the high road is always uphill, but the view is magnificent".
It is one of his favorite sayins and he seems to be a-thinkin that it has something to do wit being a gennleman. He is of the thinkin dat one should swallow one's pride and sometimes be above petty differences.
I dunno know aboot all that. But I happen to be agreein aboot takin da high road. I just be of the thinkin that he is missing the entire point:
Ya see, when ye be a-takin da high road, it makes it much easier to be knockin tings onto the noggins of all da ones takin da low road!
Weel, unteel next time, I'll be scamperin off. I weel no take so long to be scritchin again.
I may even let the grit big panda cat scritch a bit too.